How to get involved

The Unjournal call for participants and research

In brief (TLDR): If you are interested in being on The Unjournal's management committee, advisory board, or reviewer pool, please fill out this form (about 3–5 min).

We've hired for roles spanning research, communications, and operations/administration. Here is a sketch of some of these. We may offer similar roles in future. Please express your general interest in working at The Unjournal in this 'job interest' form.

Please note that while data submitted through the above forms may be shared internally within our Management Team, it will not be publicly disclosed. Data protection statement linked here.

Overview and call

I am David Reinstein, founder and co- of The Unjournal. We have an open call for committee members, board members, reviewers, and suggestions for relevant work for The Unjournal to evaluate.

The Unjournal team is building a system for credible, public, journal-independent feedback and evaluation of research.

Briefly, The Unjournal’s process (summarized again) is:
  • Identify, invite, or select contributions of relevant research that on any open platform or archive in any format.

  • Pay evaluators to give careful feedback on this work, with prizes and incentives for strong evaluation work.

  • Elicit quantifiable and comparable metrics of research quality as credible measures of value (see: evaluator guidelines). Synthesize the results of these evaluations in useful ways.

  • Publicly post and link all reviews of the work. Award financial prizes for the work judged strongest.

  • Allow evaluators to choose if they wish to remain anonymous or to "sign" their reviews.

  • Aim to be as transparent as possible in these processes.

We maintain an open call for participants for four different roles:

  1. Management Committee members (involving honorariums for time spent)

  2. Advisory Board members (no time commitment)

  3. Field Specialists (who will often also be on the Advisory Board)

  4. A pool of Evaluators (who will be paid for their time and their work; we also draw evaluators from outside this pool)

The roles are explained in more detail here. You can express your interest (and enter our database) here.

Some particular research area/field priorities (15 Aug 2023)

We're interested in researchers and research-users who want to help us prioritize work for evaluation, and manage evaluations, considering

... research in any social science/economics/policy/impact-assessment area, and

... research with the potential to be among the most globally-impactful.

Some particular areas where we are hoping to expand our expertise (as of 15 Aug 2023) include:

- Biological & pandemic risk

- AI governance, AI safety

- Animal welfare, markets for animal products

- Long-term trends, demography

- Macroeconomics/growth/(public) finance

- Quantitative political science (voting, lobbying, etc.)

- Social impact of new technology (including AI)


We will reach out to evaluators (a.k.a. "reviewers") on a case-by-case basis, appropriate for each paper or project being assessed. This is dependent on expertise, the researcher's interest, and a lack of conflict of interest.

Time commitment: Case-by-case basis. For each evaluation, here are some guidelines for the amount of time to spend.

Compensation: We pay a minimum of $400 (updated Feb. 2024) for a prompt and complete evaluation, and offer additional prizes and incentives. See here for more details.

Who we are looking for: We are putting together a list of people interested in being an evaluator and doing paid referee work for The Unjournal. We generally prioritize the pool of evaluators who signed up for our database before reaching out more widely.

Interested? Please fill out this form (about 3–5 min, same form for all roles or involvement).

Projects and papers

We are looking for high-quality, globally pivotal research projects to evaluate, particularly those embodying open science practices and innovative formats. We are putting out a call for relevant research. Please suggest research here. (We offer bounties and prizes for useful suggestions – .) For details of what we are looking for, and some potential examples, see this post and accompanying links.

You can also put forward your own work.

We provide a separate form for research suggestions here. We may follow up with you individually.

Contact us

We invite you to fill in this form to leave your contact information, as well as outlining which parts of the project you may be interested in.

Note: This is under continual refinement; see our policies for more details.

Last updated